Friday, March 29, 2013

Titus- 5 Months

Another month has flown by. You are 5 months old now. I just want to hold you and try to never forget these moments. You are still so cuddly and sweet. You are incredibly easy going and hardly fuss about anything. Your eyes get big when your big brother Tabor is around but that's the only sign you give that you are worried about being sat on or loved on too hard.

Your big brother can't get enough of you. He loves you so much. He could kiss you all day. If I ever leave you alone I will find him holding your hand when I walk back into the room. He loves it when you sleep in the same room as him and is not a fan of you sleeping in your own crib in your room. Maybe someday you guys can share a room.

You are OBSESSED with your toes. You sometimes curl your bottom lip under if we pull them away from your mouth. It is so funny how much you love them. If you are awake your feet are in the air and your toes are in your mouth.

You roll over from back to front, but get stuck on your tummy and will play until you're tired of being that way. Then you just fuss until we turn you over. You won't cry just fuss.

You love the water. You have NEVER cried in the bathtub and you enjoy taking baths with Tabor. You two are splashing machines.

Cradle Cap is gone. (Thanks Mustela shampoo!)

You still run your hands through your hair when you nurse. It is really cute.

Your hair is blonde when the sun hits it AND it sticks straight up. We call you our little furrball. However with Gorilla Snot we have been able to give you a fohawk and style it down. It's so soft though. I love it!

Everything goes in your mouth. Everything and you still drool a LOT! You don't spit up as much anymore though - yay! Tabor calls your drool "spit up" though.

You are still a copy cat. If we laugh you laugh. If we smile you smile.

You love to sing. We are convinced it is singing. It's a sweet little noise you make. It is music to our ears at least.

You like books but you can't sit still very long. We are working on this. I know it doesn't help that an almost 2year old is sitting almost on you in the same lap during reading time.

You're wearing 6-12 month clothes in Gap, etc. and nearing the end of 9 month clothing in everything else. You already wear and fit into 12 month stuff!! Guess we won't have to buy summer clothes after all since Tabor wore 12m last summer. YAY!

You've flown twice and have gone on a lot of road trips. You do great! You still aren't a fan of that carseat of yours though.

You sleep with mittens on. We had to buy big baby mittens because the newborn ones were too small. Your hands are always SO cold!

You love your exersaucer and activity gym. You are great at playing alone. I love watching you.

Your "routine" looks like this:
8:30 wake, eat & play
10-12 nap
12 wake, eat & play
1-3 nap
3 wake, eat & play
4-6 nap
6 wake, eat & play
7:30 bathtime
8 eat, pray & sleep

(This is for my benefit) I do need to extend your wake times don't I!? I don't like changes!! ha!

You are super smiley! I love love love making you laugh and watching your smile form. You can look so serious one minute and be all smiles the next. It is so fun to watch. Thank you for cuddling with me and hugging my neck from time to time. It makes my mommy heart melt. We love you sweet Titus and continue to pray that God blesses you and guides us to raise you to love Him. You are such a blessing to us. We love you more than we can say!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Titus- 4 month

I wish I could freeze time or time travel and hold you when you were just a few minutes old again. I can't believe how fast time is flying. If I could I would hold you all day long. You are such a cuddle bug and honestly I can't get enough of it.

You have changed so much just in the last month. I love every change but I want to cry because I know you won't be a baby forever.

In the last month you:
- Still wear size 3 diapers
- are 26 inches long
- weigh 15lbs
- love your activity gym and reach for toys (specifically a yellow lion)
- lift your feet and roll around when you're on your back
- move all over your crib when you sleep and sleep on your side
- still sleep 12 hours 8:30-8:30 (still eating every 3 hours during the day with three 2hr naps)
- love to stand
- chew on your thumb and are a big drooler - Dr. said you might get teeth soon but if you are anything like your mom, dad or brother you have another 6 months AT LEAST ha!
- still LOVE to copy us - you talk a lot and make pucker up kissing noises - I LOVE this!
- look at me when I call your name
- giggle ALL the time but only when someone talks directly to you
- sit in your exersaucer but are still trying to figure it out.
- try to escape from your swing or bouncer basically tummy time or activity gym is what you like

- are SO easy going - we hardly hear you cry (however when you do cry Tabor tells you not to-ha)
- are not a fan of getting in your carseat but you are getting better
- do NOT like to sleep in your carseat anymore. AT ALL. You may take a power nap but you will stay awake and take it all in.
- smile really big when nap time ends and we wake you to eat
- still sleep with mittens - this may be a sleep aid now! You suck on them to fall asleep but your hands are SO cold all the time. (feet too)
- get scared if your dad says "Boo" too loud. (he thinks you love it though)
- LOVE when your dad sings (who doesn't)
- have TONS of super soft hair but you still look like a baldy because it is so light. We can't wait to see what your hair color is.
- have beautiful "wise" eyes and your eye color seems to be hazel but they look green a lot of the time
- love to suck on your blankets or thumb - your favorite blankets are an owl minky one from Erica Diamond, a blue minky one from your Mema, and your Aden & Anais blankets (which Tabor has tried to steal because they are his favorites too)

Newest issues from 4 month appointment:
- you dropped in weight and height percent-wise
- got put on zantac again for reflux and hopefully to get your weight up (you've stopped spitting up since we started the medicine again- sorry I took you off)
- you have an appointment to see an eye doctor and a physical therapist to check your neck and eye muscles. Prayers appreciated. I am sure you are fine, but we need to be sure. You have always preferred to look to your right so we want to find out why.
- you have super dry and sensitive skin. We lotion you up 2x a day now. You like it. :-)
- your cradle cap is nearly gone- yay!
- other than ALL that the dr said you are doing awesome and are very very healthy.

Baby Titus we love you more than words can say. Your brother can't stop kissing you and neither can we. If you're taking a nap Tabor can't stand that you aren't around. It is so sweet. Your best friend can't wait to play with you. He practices "sharing" with you and if I leave you alone for a second I come back to you covered in blocks or bath toys - if I turn my back on you in the activity gym Tabor will crawl in with you and lay beside you EVERY time! You are incredibly loved.

We thank God every day for blessing us with you. You are a joy to us and everyone that catches one of your contagious smiles. Our prayer for you is that you become a godly man. We cannot wait to see what your future holds. We are so blessed.