Friday, December 6, 2013

Snow Day

It snowed! Well ice fell and it looks like snow. Our first "snow" in our new house. 

Snow momma with her little snow bunnies. Took us forever to layer up because most of our snow gear was in a snow storage box.

Our snow poofs. I think they're wearing 3 layers of pants but they're still so cute here!

Titus was not amused. He was not a fan of this weather. It was too cold.

Papa loves his little snowman.

They went ice skating in the street.

A neighbor came by and took a family pic of us. We were grateful!

We tried to recreate last year's snow angel...this baby was NOT having it.

Here's a dad snow angel. Ha! (more like an ice angel that he tried to chisel out of the ice/snow)

I love my babies. We had such a fun snow day today.

Titus was ready to go in though and our TTU gnomie was frozen and buried in the snow. I love how he made it into so many pics though.

Sweet Tabor couldn't keep his eyes off the snow. He loved it.

Titus was happy once he sat inside and watched us from there. I think he even tried to shut us out so he could get warmer. ha

Tabor and Ty had a snowball fight. Tabor loved just standing there waiting for the snow to hit him.

He loved it. He could've played in the snow all day.

Titus crawled back out to play with the TTU gnome.

I love my boys. I love our new house. I love the Christmas season. I love that I am feeling better after laying in bed for a week sick sick. Thank you God for all these wonderful blessings. Thank you for providing for us everyday. Thank you for these boys that make us laugh and that give us sweet little hugs and kisses.

Hey I blogged something on the day it actually happened. Go me!


  1. Glad you are feeling better. Looks like a fun day. I'm with Titus. Stay in where it is warm. Smart young man. :-) Love seeing all the smiles. Great post.

  2. oh my gosh! titus cracks me up! great pics, hope y'all are staying warm and were able to find some milk.
