Thursday, November 29, 2012

Baby Titus - 1 Month

As of today you:
-Are wearing size 1 diapers (as of 2 weeks)
-Eat every 3 hours
-Are sleeping 4.5hrs at night (since Day 1- thank you!)
-Have already outgrown your newborn clothes and are wearing 0-3 month or 3 month outfits (you are LONG)
-Smile more and more everyday (it's a super cute half grin)

-You fall asleep every time you eat
-Stretch for about 5min before you can wake up
-Like your carseat if we are in the car
-Fall asleep instantly in the car
-Get the hiccups multiple times a day
-Make funny faces. You move every feature at the same time & grab your cheeks)
-Have been sleeping in your own crib. You slept in the hospital with us the first 4 days and in a Pack n Play Bassinet for the 2nd week, but now you're in your own crib and you LOVE staring at your sleep sheep.
-Are already out of your swaddle. You fought your way out until we let you win. Now you sleep wrapped in an Aden Anais blanket and with your arms high above your head!  although you hardly cry
-You make the funniest little breathing noise before you start to cry
-Your bedtime is 7:30 and wake time is 7:30 (currently with a 10:30 dreamfeed, MOTN 3:30 feed & 7:30)
-You're not a huge fan of your paci but we still try and use it sometimes.
-You sleep through church so far
-Your nickname is Hiccupotomus

Titus you are such a joy to this family already. Your big brother has to know where you are at all times and will call your name until he finds you. He can't give you enough kisses when he sees you. Same with us. We all love to cuddle with you and since you love sleeping on our shoulders it is hard not to let you. You love to curl up into a ball and let us love on you. God has truly blessed us by placing you in this family. We hope you feel incredibly loved because we love you so very much. You are such a sweet little baby boy.

*Giant Sock Monkey compliments of Christianne Wheatley - we are so excited to take his monthly pic with him to watch him grow alongside "Sock it to me" (That's what we named him) We got him right when I couldn't figure out how to take his pics- thanks Christianne (and elf Monica) you had good timing! Mini "socky" is also featured in the photo and he's from Jessica Stone & Karen Lewis- thanks girls! You are all so great! Titus you are so loved! 

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