Well today was an interesting day. Gabriel came down with a stomach bug. He woke up sick and was sick all day long. Luckily his doctor in LA is amazing and walked me through what to do step by step and Gabriel did great! He was still his happy normal self and he napped better than ever. I think playing with Tabor wore him out on top of the fact that his little body was feeling so crummy. I now know exactly how to treat a stomach bug! I wish I had known this a month ago when Tabor had his! Oh well. You live. You learn.
We still managed to have a good day despite our poor sick baby and I have to say my husband deserves a gold medal for everything he did. I honestly don't know what I would've done without him. Even Monica deserves a thank you for checking on us and offering to help. You're an amazing friend Mon! Even with a sick baby at home you still offered to take on another kid! You're a great friend.
So Day 3 and we went for a quick walk while the house aired out and so we could all get some fresh air since the house smelled like Lysol & Febreeze. The boys still managed I have a blast playing with all the toys and by the end of the day I think we were all asleep by 9pm.
My poor baby! I'm so glad he's with you though. I know he's in the best hands! Thank you so much!!! I can't wait to come back!