Week 2 of our Wilton's Cake Decorating Course and it was a Royal Icing Mess!
We did however learn A LOT. For example, how to fold parchment paper (Marlene showed up with hers perfectly folded, but Sarah and I had to learn and quickly fold as many as possible in order not to fall behind!) Luckily we are all fast learners.
We filled them with the Royal icing that Monica helped me make last week (Thanks Mon!)
Thanks also to my Dad for the cool icing stand! It's been SO helpful!
We learned how to put templates on our "flower nail"
AND how to make Roses. (We weren't actually supposed to make the entire Rose, but we were determined to learn!) Our icing was a bit too soft-oops; so our flowers melted down. By next week we'll be PROs though!
Our token "lefty" was learning the Left handed technique in the background and was apparently outstanded by her results! :) See her excited face behind Sarah?!
Sarah mastered the Apple Blossom (of course)! It was so pretty!
My favorite was the Primrose!
AND although my expression makes me look like a goon in the picture below I HAVE to include it to show off the new aprons Marlene got us! I LOVE aprons!! I only (had) one and when it was dirty I was a sad little person, but not anymore!!! Marlene got us these as a thank you for doing the shower but now we are the ones thanking her!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS MARLENE!!! You're the BEST!! (Everyone in the class now wants to sit in the backrow with the 3 Stooges!!) Order yours soon so we can all 3 wear them in class together!
In case you're wondering if we were quieter and less giggly this go around...um...no! We weren't!
Here's probably my favorite picture of last night! Marlene said her flower looked like it was blowing in the wind so Sarah provided the wind while Marlene held her flower for the picture! I think a video of us in this class would make millions!
When they thought no one was looking... I caught my 2 partners in crime snacking. One on a Cakeball (yes the new Peanut Butter & Chocolate Cakeballs that I made for Father's Day and I MUST say were DELICIOUS! They tasted like a Resses Peanut Butter Cup!) so anyway, one was eating a cakeball and the other...
...was eating her flowers.
I was no saint either. I just have power over the camera! I was sitting in my corner making icing stars on Cheese Crackers! :-)
Then came the fun flowers! We were all good at these! Marlene mastered the art of Rose buds first but we quickly learned too!
Here's the teacher showing the class with OUR icing!! Yea that's right we couldn't use the "icing is too runny" excuse when she used it as the class example!
A proud Flower Girl! :-)
We loved our little Rose buds!
But we had no way of taking them home and so...
...we'll have to make them again.
I think Marlene will be making her final cake with Rose buds. I am still very undecided!!
Next week... Roses (we'll be ready!)
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