Thursday, December 29, 2011

Road Trip

7 hours trapped in the same car. Luckily no further fumigations occurred!!

Tabor did great. He did get tired of riding in the car at one point but who could blame him. We were ALL ready to arrive!!!

We did have one important pit-stop which nearly caused a car accident because the jerky sign came too close to the actual shady jerky shop. So we passed the sign & shop and a crazy u-turn followed.

We all got out of the car (our 20th stop much to Ty's annoyance but this one was his & Tim's fault) and we trooped in to sample their crazy road kill jerky. Tabor had fun, was called a pretty girl and we all got out of there alive.

We stopped for emergency m&ms, stinky corn-nuts (to mask stinky toots), and lots of other super non healthy snacks which made us all sick by the time we did finally arrive in San Antonio. Ha!

We arrived and found a parking spot and were nearly robbed within minutes of arriving due to our sweet little naive selves almost falling victim to a bad scam! We parked and some crazy little man tried to get us to pay HIM for the parking and what have him away was that he asked us to leave our window cracked so he could slip in the parking ticket once he could get the "machine working again". Yea right! Anyway after that (and after deciding to valet instead) we joined our hotel happy hour and the fun began! We walked around the river walk and had such a blast!! Tabor was excited to stay up late and we then stayed up super late chatting like old times.

Ok the current standings are:
Marlenes souveniors- 5
Tim's unused outfits- 4
Car fumigations - 1 (hope this number doesn't go up!)

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