Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hermosa Beach pics

We took a few family pics while we were back in LA. We love Hermosa Beach! These were actually right by our first house there.

No clue why Tabor started making this Benjamin Button face. A week later his trick was sticking out his tongue. A week after that he clicks his tongue. How does he learn these things so fast?!

Father and son. Tabor was getting tired at this point but I still thought this picture was cute.

The little Touchstone fam. Tabor was probably looking at Sarah, Richard or Gabriel rather than the camera.

Ok so see that wave behind us... it was much bigger than we thought! As you'll see in later pictures below.

We love the beach! Can't wait to go back to visit.

So the wave that you saw earlier ended up soaking us! You can see how high up it hit if you look at Ty's shorts.

Tabor kept looking down to see what the fuss was about. ha!

We couldn't quit laughing. We had to go home and do laundry after our little photo shoot!

Thanks Sarah & Richard for being our photographers and for a fun filled waketime!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tabor & Gabriel

We've had the opportunity to fly back to LA twice within the last month! It's been a fast but fun trip each time! Hopefully we can keep visiting this often because it makes us feel as if we've never left.

It's been fun watching all the changes between Tabor & Gabriel just in the last few months. So of course we've had a few photo shoots each time.

We finally got to use the double stroller without an insert or carseat attachment! They are so CUTE! People asked us if they were twins...we said "Yep and only 2 months apart!" We're so funny!

They love their evening walks! (So do we! It keeps them awake and happy instead of awake and fussy!)

We walked to Albertson's and bought ice cream. They were so excited! ha! Someday they will be!

Gabriel you are just too precious!

Tabor I love that one little dimple!

They have matching rock-star pajamas! I love how they look at each other.

They both LOVE the exersaucer! Even if it means playing outside it! That sun is Gabriel's favorite and Tabor's is the spinning wheel. You boys are so much fun.

Ok yes we'll be able to blackmail them with the pink toy pics, but really this activity gym is AMAZING! No other activity gym can beat this awesome pink one! The boi-ioi-ioing sun is their favorite!

They always tell each other secrets...

As well as give each other encouraging words. Tabor must've needed a pep talk so Gabriel helped his buddy out. :-)

We even made it to the beach (we took these pictures super fast since they aren't awake for long). We got some really funny pictures and I learned how to make my first gif. files :-)

Can you tell what Tabor wants?! Need a hint: Think old man in Mr. Deeds. HA!
gif make

These boys are so so cute!!

Next gif. file is Gabe showing us how tired he was getting. We have no idea why he did this but it was so funny when we looked at all the photos afterwards.

Gabe's caption: "I need a nap. I need a nap."

webcam gif

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Jet & Erin tie the knot

Our friends Jet & Erin tied the knot on August 21st. We knew this amazing couple was meant to be the first time we saw them together. We wish them a very blessed marriage! We love them so much and can't wait to share in their new lives as Mr. and Mrs. Thiele!

The Groom and his Groomsmen! We can't wait until the photographer releases all the wedding pics! She did an amazing job!!

Our little family at the wedding. Yes Tabor owns his own tuxedo! What a stud!

My two handsome boys. I love these boys so much!

Poor Tabor had never been awake so long before in all his life! It was funny to see how he acted. Mainly he went with the "self soothe" aka thumb sucking technique. Ha! Tabor you're too cute.

He got his groove on with his uncle Jet.

And also with his buddy Taber.

The night would not have been complete without a group girl shot! We love you Erin! You were a gorgeous bride!!

Family photo! :-) Tim & Marlene thanks for making the weekend so much fun! We had a blast with you both!! As we always do!

I LOVE this picture!

Tabor loves his Aunt Rachel! It really was amazing to spend some time with everyone. It made us "homesick" but hopefully we can keep visiting often!

Mandi & Veronica taught the boys how to "get down". This is talent! I know I would've fallen over!

The Touchstones and the Thieles! Did I mention we love you guys! We're just so excited that you're married!!

Tabor and Taber. This is who you're named after little Tabor. You've got big shoes to fill little man! Taber is an amazing man and we hope Tabor will be too someday!

Sarah you are a hot mama and I love this picture! You and Gabriel are just too cute for words here!

Tabor is all danced out at this point of the evening :-) Thank goodness Tia Leney rescued him!

Gabriel must've seen the cake :-) ha! He looks like something really interesting has his attention.

Another girl shot with the sun setting over the ocean. This location was beautiful!

The Theile's first dance as husband and wife!

Erin walking to meet her future husband. That dress was amazing!! Erin you should wear that dress everyday!

And once again my two little penguins. How cute are they!

Congratulations again to the Thieles! We love you guys!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011


We did CORN and now we've also done OKRA!

I had to take pics of the process because I found it all so interesting! This little city-girl has been initiated and loved every minute of it!

First, the okra is picked. Unfortunately, it was hard enough to get to Dimmitt as early as we did so we missed this step, so for me the first step was washing the okra.

AND WELL...that's done in the washing machine!

Then tubs are taken out back where each person chops one by one into tiny pieces.

There's no excuse that you're too tired to keep working because Mema (Ty's 90yr old grandma) still does more than anyone else!

Here's Flo chopping away! Ty and I used cutting boards because we are not yet pros with such sharp knives! We would've chopped our fingers off for sure!

Even the kiddos help! Gaines was super helpful. Not only did he help with the Okra but he was a great babysitter too. He's practicing for when his 2nd little brother arrives soon! Tabor just LOVES watching his "cousins". (They're our 2nds cousins so what is that to him?)

The heat starts getting to ya after a while. Especially when you stayed out "late" the night before at your 10-yr reunion. YES FOR ME IT WAS LATE! I was a zombie all day!

Once it's cut - it's all poured into large containers

From there it's coated with Crisco & cornmeal (yum!)

Then it's cooked in a skillet (lots of skillets actually)

Then it goes inside where it's cooled on cooling racks until it's ready to be bagged!

Then you find time to take a break, play and eat some corn and okra for lunch. (BEST part of the day!) Then while some (ahem Tabor) nap all day you keep working :-)

AND...eventually all the little bags are put into large bags and labeled (by Mema of course!)

VOILĂ€...fresh fried okra all year round! We had a blast and will be enjoying this throughout the year!

By the way...the only way to eat it is to come and help. :-) I hear some Californians may be flying out next year to come lend a hand. :-) Hope it happens!!