Sunday, November 17, 2013

Meeting Baby Hope

Baby Hope is here! (back in January - I'm a few months late I know!)

We took a trip to Virginia to meet sweet little Baby Hope Lynn Sanders. I'm living vicariously through the Sanders since I probably will only have sweet, stinky little boys :-) (God if that is what you send us I promise I will be thrilled and love them all to bits- no hard feelings) but still I can't help but love on every one else's baby girl!

She is precious and we had a blast getting to meet her, and getting to play with Gabriel (he and Tabor LOVED playing together!) and we had a blast having adult time when the boys & babies napped or slept! 

The boys loved getting to read together and we all loved taking turns being the reader!

These boys picked up right where they left off last November. They laughed and played from the moment they woke up (literally yelling each other's names to wake each other up) until bedtime when they were too tired to peep.

They spent tons of time searching for their belly buttons, playing earmuffs, playing trains and running around outside.

We went to the zoo, shopped, ate great food and played with our sweet little kiddos! Tabor loves being in pictures so much I had to pick him him up and face him towards the camera. ha

The boys loved doing everything together.

Here's our attempt at a group shot! We are all in it even if you can't see everyone (Baby Hope & Baby Titus were sleeping)

We all worked on our tummy time and strengthened our neck muscles together. ;)

We tried to stage pics of the boys but well... Tabor always has a different plan.

Sweet Baby Hope was so much fun to cuddle with. She was just too precious. I can't wait to see her again. Look at this cute little girl!

Hope and Titus loved getting to coo together. It was love at first site. :)

The men were able to escape and go see Third Day in concert which was only fair since us girls escaped everyday during nap time to go shopping!

We even got to ride the train at the mall after shopping and eating lunch!

Oh Tabor will you ever cooperate for a picture?! ha!

I spoke too soon - I guess he did smile at the camera afterall. Look at these two cute boys. I love them.

Thank you Sanders family for such a fun time. We love you all so much and had such a blast getting to meet your precious new Baby Hope. She is such a joy and we cannot wait to be a part of her life as she grows up (just like we can't wait to be a part of Gabriel's).

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